Types of thyroid disease:
There are many types of thyroid disease. However, the main conditions present in most thyroid illnesses are hypothyroidism (thyroid under activity) and hyperthyroidism (thyroid over activity).
Symptoms of thyroid disease
Signs and symptoms of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid conditions include:
- weak slow heart beat
- muscular weakness and constant fatigue
- sensitivity to cold
- thick puffy skin and/or dry skin
- slowed mental processes and poor memory
- constipation
- goitre (increased size of the thyroid)

- rapid forceful heartbeat
- tremor
- muscular weakness
- Weight loss in spite of increased appetite
- restlessness, anxiety and sleeplessness
- profuse sweating and heat intolerance
- diarrhea
- eye changes
- goitre (increased size of the thyroid)
In homeopathy, we propose to treat the problem not by supplementing the deficiencies or surplus, but by reactivation of efficient thyroid glandular function. Our immune system is also under constant attack from toxins within air, water and food supply.
These pollutants, over-stimulate our immune system, create autoimmune reactions and damage thyroid function. In Homeopathy we provide constitutional treatment which focuses on improving the function of the thyroid gland by natural means. The constitutional remedies will stimulate the body to reactivate thyroid secretions. In our thyroid treatment we will help to boost energy, improve circulation and thereby help balancing hypo as well as hypothyroid functions. It may be also used as a supportive help for regulating both hypo and hyper thyroid functions.
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