Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis
The common symptoms of chronic sinusitis happen to be blocked nose and heaviness of the forehead and the nasal area. The voice loses its natural resonance because air cannot pass through. One often finds it difficult to breathe through nose and has to keep one’s mouth open to breathe. Recurrent cold and coryza is present. There is often thick yellowish or greenish discharge from the nose. Sneezing is often persistent. Loss of smell may also be present. There is often a nagging headache or a heaviness in the head. The raised intracranial pressure may often cause severe pain while looking downwards or blowing the nose. Pain may also be present in the cheeks or near the eyes or the forehead. In some cases, pain may extend into the ears or may be present only in the ears. Recurrent or chronic cough may also be present. Nausea or vomiting may also be present in some cases.
Treatment of Sinusitis:

Homeopathic treatment of Sinusitis- the best alternative or holistic cure for sinusitis:
Of all the possible holistic or alternative treatments available, Chronic Sinusitis stands the best chance of being cured by Homeopathy. This has been my personal first hand experience as a homeopathic doctor as well as the experience of hundreds of patients of sinusitis who got cured by Homeopathy. The Homeopathic treatment of sinusitis is far superior as it does not resort to any strong medicines or antibiotics. The homeopathic medicine for sinusitis is mild and has the additional benefit that it does not cause any side effect at all. In fact, it strengthens the immunity of the patient and helps in fighting other infections also.
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